Two Alabama moms, Sophie Clark and Nicole Davis, were total strangers when they went in to deliver their babies at Huntsville Hospital on April 10th, but they couldn't pass up the chance to meet after they serendipitously named their babies after the most famous power couple in country music history, Johnny Cash and June Carter.

The first person to discover the coincidence was baby June's great-uncle who bumped into baby Johnny's dad in the hospital elevator. After that, mom Sophie Clark explained,
So he called my husband right after that and told him, and I was like, 'We have to find this baby because that's too big of a coincidence.'
The hospital staff then arranged for the moms and babies to meet, and the two families say they plan to stay in touch.
Baby Cash's mom, Nicole Davis, told GMA,
I don't imagine there's ever any point in time where we can go separate ways. We're on other ends of the spectrum as far as parents go. We're really far down the road in parenting and they're just getting started. And so yes, I'm very excited about staying friends and making opportunities for these guys to spend time together and grow up together.
June Carter's mom added that she wants to get the kids together often so they can have pictures of the two growing up together. And who knows, maybe they'll grow up to be more than friends....

In addition to being named after the country music stars, both of the babies were actually named after their own fathers, Johnny Cash Davis being named after his dad Johnny Lee Davis Jr., and June Carter Clark named after her dad, Carter John Austin Clark.
The Davis family plans to call their son simply, "Cash," while in true Alabama fashion, the Clarks plan to call their baby girl her double name "June Carter."
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