Okay... it's okay to judge these individuals a little:
Hazelwood police said it started when one mom cut off another mom in the drop-off lane.
One of the moms walked to the car of the other woman to apologize, saying it was an accident, according to Hazelwood Police Capt. James Hudanick. The argument became heated and the woman inside the car pulled out a gun.
"Mom outside the vehicle says, 'I got one for you, too,' and goes to retrieve her firearm," Hudanick told 5 On Your Side.
The argument ended at that point, Hudanick said. The moms dropped off their children and left the property.
As insane as this is, I appreciate the action-movie magic that happened in this real-life scene.
"I've got one for you, too!"

"You're in a school. You're in a neighborhood that's safe. Why do you have a weapon?" [Officer] Hudanick said.
C'mon, officer.
Maybe because 1) 'Murica, 2) criminals like targeting places where people think they are safe, and 3) 'Murica.
That being said, please follow discretion (and, you know, the law) when exercising your right to self defense. If you pull a concealed weapon, you better be ready to use it, and it better not be because someone delayed your school drop-off plans!