Uh oh: Fani Willis and her lover (the guy she hired to prosecute Trump) seen during daughter's arrest after testifying they were no longer dating
· Sep 4, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Remember when the judge in Trump's Georgia election interference case told Fulton County DA Fani Willis she could stay on the case if she took Nathan Wade, who happened to be her lover, off the case?

And remember last year when both Nathan Wade and Fani Willis testified that their relationship had ended?

Welp, check out this police bodycam footage from about a week ago:

Yup, they're still the happiest of love birds, showing up together to assist Willis's daughter during a traffic stop for a suspended license!

Maybe they were headed to the airport for one of their special conflict-of-interest vacations they love so much, and just happened to be in the same neighborhood as Willis's daughter when she got pulled over.

Hard to believe this lady is still on the Trump case, even after she fired her boyfriend prosecutor.

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