Social media is exploding with women complaining about how life is unaffordable now. Let's talk about it.
· Nov 28, 2023 ·

If you've been anywhere on social media in the last 6 months, you've probably seen more and more videos like this:

Or this:

Or this:

It's heartbreaking.

And I feel it. I'm a real person with a family and we're feeling squeezed this Christmas season.

I know most of you are too.

To all the women making these videos: I have just one thing to ask:

How did you vote in 2020?

You might think that's rude. I'm not out here saying Donald Trump is all sunshine and rainbows. But I haven't forgotten about the data:

Or this from 2 years into the Biden presidency:

Lest you think I'm being unfair to women, let me harp on the men:

Biden was ultimately pushed to victory by the same middle class that's now complaining about grocery prices:

For years, I've been saying that elections have consequences and we'd see horrific economic problems if Joe Biden (and the people who run the show behind him) got into power.

I said that "staying home" and "masking up" was going to cost way more lives - that Covid wasn't nearly as dangerous as loneliness, broken down public trust, missed screenings, delayed education, increased cost of living, accelerating debt, and trillions of new dollars printed out of thin air.

I said leftist policy on money, the border, climate change, race, and gender was going to make us poorer people who hated each other more. I said leaders like Biden were using kindness as a trap to take money and power.

I was censored and vilified for suggesting such things.

"Don't get political!" the evanjelly pastors shrieked. "Just love your neighbor!"

I do love my neighbors, which is why I tried to warn them.

Tried and tried and tried and tried.

To those who continue to support the "kind" and "tolerant" politicians ruining your home and country: Are you going to vote for something else, or just keep making sad videos? I'm not preaching the gospel of the Republican Party, but I'm asking if you are going to do literally anything different now that your kids are going hungry.

Something to think very hard about.

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