Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is on Capitol Hill today to answer questions about the Biden border crisis.
We told you recently that there were a number of known and suspected terrorists apprehended at the southern border, proving that the porous border is a definite national security threat:
When asked by Jim Jordan about the whereabouts of potential terrorists stopped at the border, Mayorkas admits that they don't know what happened to them.
Jordan: Have any of the 42 illegal migrants on the terrorist watchlist or no-fly list encountered on our southwest border been released into the United States.
Mayorkas: Ranking member Jordan, as I mentioned before, I will provide that data to you with respect to the disposition of each one, I do not know the answer to your question.
Jordan: The Secretary of Homeland Security does not know the answer to the status of 42 individuals who came to our southern border illegally, are on the no-fy list, and the terrorist watchlist. You do not know whether they have been released or not into the country? That's your testimony?
This is absolutely outrageous.
At best, the Secretary of Homeland Security has no clue what's happened to potential terrorists captured on our southern border. The best-case scenario is that he's ignorant.
Another possible scenario is that NO ONE knows what happened, and Mayorkas is just covering his department's incompetency.
But there still remains a distinct possibility that we know EXACTLY what happened and these potential terrorists were released into the United States along will hundreds of thousands of other illegal border crossers and have now faded into the crowd.
There are lots of possibilities here, but the idea that it is not standard policy to hold known potential terror threats or deport them is completely insane.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π