University of Nottingham slaps "trigger warning" on Canterbury Tales for "expressions of Christian faith"
· Oct 14, 2024 ·

Guys ... the UK is in total shambles, isn't it?

The University of Nottingham had to place a trigger warning on one of the core novels in Western literature because that book had positive portrayals of the Christian faith.

The book? The Canterbury Tales.

An illustrated page of "The Canterbury Tales" in Middle English

If you're a Brit and you're not smart enough to know without a trigger warning that a 14th-century book by Chaucer about a pilgrimage to the Canterbury Cathedral might be pro-Christian ... I'm not sure what you're even doing in a college classroom.

Christian Concern Chief Executive Andrea Williams criticized the university's decision. 'Without an understanding of the Christian faith there will be no way for students to access the world of Chaucer and his contemporaries. It's ludicrous to issue such trigger warnings.'

Williams added, 'Trigger warnings for Christian themes in literature are demeaning to the Christian faith and stifle the academic progress of our students.'

Universities, formerly places of education, are now just anti-Christ indoctrination centers. Even in countries that were founded as Christian kingdoms.

Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent, also expressed disapproval. 'Warning students of Chaucer about Christian expressions of faith is weird. Since all characters in the stories are immersed in a Christian experience, there is bound to be a lot of expressions of faith,' Furedi said, according to The Telegraph.

It's literally a book about Christians on a pilgrimage!

And they gave it a trigger warning!

Can you imagine them doing the same for any other religion?

The Wife of Bath, shown in this 1492 edition, was the 1st ordinary women depicted in British Lit

Oh, that's not all:

The university's warning does not mention other explicit themes present in The Canterbury Tales, such as references to rape and antisemitism, which has led to further criticism. The Mail on Sunday noted that while the stories contain these themes, the warning focuses solely on expressions of Christian faith, violence and mental illness.

What a time to be alive!

Historian Jeremy Black commented, 'Presumably, this Nottingham nonsense is a product of the need to validate courses in accordance with tick-box criteria. It is simultaneously sad, funny, and a demeaning of education,' as reported by GB News.

It's absolutely insulting to the memory of what universities used to be.

I knew that Nottingham sounded familiar, and not just from Robin Hood, and it turns out that this isn't the only boneheaded thing to come from that school in the last few weeks.

It's not just at this one university, either. The woke brain rot is everywhere:

Andrea Williams said, "To censor expressions of the Christian faith is to erase our literary heritage. True education engages and fosters understanding, not avoidance."

That's the point of such trigger warnings: To shame, and then to conquer, the West.

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