Update: US Airman who set himself on fire to protest Israel dies ... but lefties still hate him
· Feb 26, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Aaron Bushnell, the airman and anti-Israel protester who shouted Free Palestine before self-immolating yesterday has died of his injuries.

The active duty U.S. Air Force member who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy has died of his injuries, the Metropolitan Police Department confirmed on Monday ...

Bushnell began livestreaming to Twitch as he approached the embassy, declaring that he 'will no longer be complicit in genocide,' a person familiar with the matter told the Associated Press.

Newsweek, of course, wanted to report on the real issue here:

The suicide protest garnered headlines and plenty of love for the radical lefty, including from perennial Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, who is likely just glad that there's one less carbon producer in the world.

But it's the "Rest in power" message that's got a lot of wokies up in arms.

Here's the general sentiment:

You can literally set yourself on fire for the latest leftist cause and the pronoun brigade will still crap on you because you're a white male.

Or they'll hate you for being in the military in the first place:

Any death is a tragedy, but the Left can't even keep it together long enough to rally around a guy who killed himself because of their extreme rhetoric.

What a sad joke.

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