Police in Utah recently apprehended "Mia" Bailey, a transgender individual suspected of killing his parents in Washington City, Utah, on Wednesday.
Police searched for several hours before finding the alleged killer after gunshots were reported Tuesday evening.
When officers arrived, they entered the residence as the door was open.
'They did find two deceased victims — both adults, one female, one male,' he said. 'As they cleared the rest of the residence, they found evidence of a homicide.'
Police immediately identified Collin Bailey, who goes by "Mia" under his transgender identity as the primary suspect.
The police put a lockdown on a Utah neighborhood overnight, telling people to stay put as the armed and dangerous suspect was on the loose.
On Wednesday, the perp was located and apprehended.
Officer Tiffany Mitchell with the St. George Police Department said Mia Bailey was located and captured.
'We have some good news,' Mitchell said in a Facebook Live video posted to the police department's Facebook page. 'We have the suspect in custody. Everyone is safe. No one else was injured.'
KUTV reported Wednesday evening that Bailey had admitted to murdering his parents. I'm going to change the incorrect pronouns that the media and the police keep using because truth matters when we are talking about deranged MEN.
Police said Bailey admitted to entering [his] mother and father's house and shooting them in an attempt to kill them before going downstairs, where [his] brother and his wife locked themselves in his bedroom. Bailey told police [he] shot through the locked door, stating [he] did not care if the shot had killed him.
Police said they found evidence of a small bullet hole in Bailey's brother's door.
Bailey then went back upstairs to make sure [his] parents were dead, police said.
'Mia further stated that [he] did not have remorse for [his] actions and that [he] would not change what [he] had done. Mia stated "I would do it again. I hate them,"' documents said.
Welp, there you have it.
Expect this to disappear from the national newsfeeds in about two seconds flat.
If it doesn't, the White House might have to release another statement about how trans people are in danger from all our noticing.
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