Nearly half of men who identify as women in Canadian prisons are sex offenders, and more than half of their victims were children
· Feb 23, 2023 ·

This is really something right here. It's shocking and at the same time ... not surprising at all.

A recent study conducted by the Correctional Service of Canada has revealed that nearly half of all men who identify as women in Canadian prisons have been convicted of a sex crime.

Additionally, nine out of 10 of them are violent offenders.

The survey examined 99 different "gender diverse" inmates between 2017 and 2020 and its aim was to better understand the behavioral trends of "gender diverse" offenders.

Of the 61 male inmates who identified as women, 92% had committed a violent crime, and 46% had been convicted of a sex crime.

The research also found that the majority of the criminals' victims were children, with 58% of victims being under the age of 18, while 55% were female. Of all sex crime offenders, 85% had committed acts that had caused serious harm or death to their victims.

Who could have guessed that nearly half of male prisoners who "identify as female" would be violent pedophiles, rapists, or some other form of sexual deviant?

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