Venomous snake falls from the sky and attacks a woman, she screams "Help me, Jesus!", and a hawk swoops in and snatches the snake off her
· Aug 7, 2023 ·

Peggy Jones of Silsbee, Texas, was out mowing her lawn, when suddenly a venomous snake fell out of the sky, wrapped around her arm, and struck at her face.

It's at this point that this 6'4" old linebacker would have gone to meet his maker, screaming like a little girl.

But not Peggy: She tried to shake the snake off her arm. It didn't want to go and was holding on tight.

So she prayed, "Help me, Jesus!"

Suddenly a hawk swooped down and tried to grab the snake. It wasn't initially successful in getting it loose, but after a couple of attempts, the bird snagged it and flew off with its dinner.

Peggy sees the hawk's intervention as miraculous and gives all the credit to God for saving her life.

Now, I'm not one to doubt God's intervention in these sorts of things, but I can't help but think that hawk was probably the one who dropped the snake on Peggy in the first place.

Like this hawk that dropped a snake on a family BBQ just for fun.

And rather than letting Peggy have its meal, the hawk came back to fight her for it.

It carved a reminder into her arm to never mess with a hawk when it's hangry.

[Warning: Blood]

[Warning: This hawk really messed up her arm so scroll down if you don't want to see it]

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[Okay, you're good]

If we want to credit God with a miracle, how about the fact that despite striking Peggy, she did not have a single snake bite on her. Only her eyeglasses were covered with venom.

The second most miraculous thing is that this isn't Peggy's first go round with a venomous snake. She's survived a bite from a venomous snake a few years back.

And because she's a true Texan, Peggy's already back up on her tractor mowing the yard again.

When they say, "Don't mess with Texas," they're talking about people like Peggy Jones.

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