What could be worse than your six-year-old daughter dying from a rare disease?
I can think of something: Your six-year-old daughter being critically ill from a rare disease and then the hospital telling you that they're going to pull her off life support, and then, when you disagree, because you live in a country with socialist state-run health care (England), police come and forcibly remove you from her bedside and chain you to a trolley to roll you away from your dying child.
Told you I could think of something worse. I mean, that is literally the stuff of PTSD-inducing nightmares. Horror movie stuff.
Because when the state runs the health care, and the state runs the hospitals, the state gets to decide which patients are eating up too many resources. And when the state runs the health care, the state can literally decide to pull the plug on your kid, no matter what you say. Get in their way, and the state will literally chain you to a trolley and roll you away.
But but but MeDiCaRe FoR aLl!!!

Remember this video the next time you hear some balloon-headed, plastic-faced politician say that only heartless monsters could be against "universal healthcare."