If this man had performed a roadblock maneuver on me and approached my vehicle in a ski mask and camo, he would have eaten lead.
Absolutely unacceptable.
These boneheads don't care if you own a Volkswagen - the actual car company of Hitler's Nazi Party - but if you own a car from a company started by a long-time Democrat immigrant billionaire who doesn't like wokeness or government waste, you're a Nazi and must be confronted on the roadway.
From Fox 13:
Leigh, who has driven a Tesla for the past two years, said she first noticed the aggressive driver honking behind her as she approached a red light.
"Thankfully, I was by myself," Leigh said. "When I made a left turn, they followed me and cut around me."
According to Leigh, the situation escalated when a white SUV cut her off and stopped in the middle of the road. The driver then got out, approached her vehicle, and began berating her.
'I could only see his eyes. He also had a large bag in front of him and baggy clothes. I had no idea if I was safe or not. It certainly felt very threatening and harassing,' Leigh said.
The saddest part of this story is that neither Fox 13 nor Leigh states that this was a crime that deserves to be condemned and punished according to the full weight of the law.
Instead, Leigh made an excuse to the leftist terrorists.
'If it was easy to just turn over a $60,000 car and find something new that works, that's one thing,' Leigh said. 'That's not a decision that everybody can make overnight and I think that puts a lot of us in a hard position.'
The correct answer is: "No. I will not sell my car because it is made by someone who votes or thinks differently. I like this car and anyone who stops me in the middle of the road to threaten me for my brand choices is a crazy terrorist and the police should arrest them."
Unfortunately, this is Seattle.
She has filed multiple reports regarding the incident, but it remains unclear if the suspect will face any consequences.
Justice is a one-way street in blue cities.
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