Video surfaces of Trump arriving at the hospital in Pennsylvania ... our DEI agent was still having trouble holstering her pistol
· Jul 17, 2024 ·

Okay, a video of Trump arriving at a Pennsylvania hospital after being shot in the ear has surfaced, and somehow it ended up being hilarious. I'll show you why.

You've probably seen this video of Secret Service diversity hire Melissa McCarthy getting absolutely flustered with her pistol as agents struggle to get Trump safely away from the scene:

Well, check her out in this video of Trump arriving at the hospital.


She's still struggling!!!

And listen to all those concerned citizens and how happy they are to see Trump walking under his own power 💪.

You gotta love it!

In case you're looking for a good Halloween costume for this year...

"Holster puzzle"


P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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