Videos show reported Israeli strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. Here are the details.
· Feb 19, 2024 ·

Happening now:

[Warning: Lots of explosions]

The port city of Sidon in southern Lebanon is a center of transport and operations for the Iran-backed Shia terrorist group Hezbollah, which is actively carrying out attacks against Israel and using Lebanese civilian centers as shields.

An Israeli drone killed 2 in an attack outside Sidon earlier this month in what was one of the farthest strikes outside Israel.

This is significant, because the increased range gives Israel's enemies new leverage with the international community. It also showcases the difficult position Israel is in as it has to weigh further outrage against saving the lives of its citizens.

As an example of what I'm seeing on the feeds:

Let's look at that claim against reports.

There aren't any stories on this new series of strikes yet (I'll update as they get published), but Lebanese news outlet Nahranet reported the following:

Violent Israeli airstrikes on Monday targeted the town of Ghaziyeh on Sidon's outskirts for the first time since the beginning of the Israel-Hezbollah border clashes.

The strikes targeted two distant locations in the Ghaziyeh area according to media reports and video footage.

The National News Agency said a car was targeted in one of the strikes as unconfirmed Israeli media reports said the raid targeted "Hezbollah infrastructure."

NBN television meanwhile reported that the strikes hit a cement factory and an oil factory.

The strikes are a new escalation in the ongoing confrontation following last week's deadly strikes in Nabatiyeh and Sawwaneh.

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