Winsome Sears wants to know if Joy Reid is "woman enough" to debate her after Reid claimed the GOP won Virginia due to wHiTe nAtiOnAliSm
ยท Nov 4, 2021 ยท

I'm not a Virginian, but I kinda wish I were now that Glenn Youngkin and Winsome Sears are in charge.

Yeah, that's the incoming Lt. Gov. challenging MSNBC race-hustler Joy Reid to tell her โ€“ black woman to black woman โ€“ that the GOP winning Virginia was all about "white nationalism."

Here was Reid the other night spouting some insanely incendiary words:

And here was Winsome Sears' response:

"I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show. Let's see if she is woman enough to do that. I would go in a heartbeat, and we will have a real discussion without Joy speaking about me behind my back," Sears blasted. "She talks about white supremacy. Does she know that I ran against a white supremacist? Joy, come on. Get your facts straight and then come talk to me."

I think a Sears v. Reid cage fight would be an amazing (if not extremely one-sided) matchup. Sears would definitely show America why one can never be an "ex"-Marine.

Sears also had this to say in her interview with Fox News:

We are framing too many issues in terms of race. It continues to divide us. And unfortunately, politicians are using it as a tool because of the things that happened to us historically to advance, I think, their nefarious purposes. If we stop looking at race and look at people. You see, I am destroying all of the narratives about race. Look at me! Look at me! I am a heartbeat away from the governorship, in case anything happens to the governor. How are you going to tell me I am a victim? And I didn't do anything special to get here, except stay in school and study. I took advantage of the opportunities available here in America.

Sears' campaign team extended the debate invitation to fellow race-hustler Jemele Hill of The Atlantic.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling Reid and Hill don't consider Sears to be a "real" black woman... just another "black face of white supremacy"!

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