Watch Adam Schiff Squirm When Pressed On His Role In Spreading The Russiagate Conspiracy With The Fake Steele Dossier

Harris Rigby

Nov 9, 2021

During an interview on The View (yes, The View!), Adam Schiff was challenged on why he continually promoted the Trump-Russia collusion narrative using the phony Steele Dossier.

His answer is less than satisfying:

Morgan Ortagus, who I am sure will not be on The View much longer after asking these sorts of questions, absolutely nails Schiff to the wall, even if his sliminess makes that task next to impossible.

In Adam Schiff's world, he thinks it is impossible that someone might have lied to Christopher Steele.

None of the info in the Dossier was ever substantiated and it has now been totally debunked, but Schiff still thinks it's totally fine that he fed these lies to the American people.

First of all, whoever lied to the FBI or lied to Christopher should be prosecuted. And they are. Unlike in the Trump administration they should be convicted, not be pardoned...

Oh, okay. Throw the people in jail who lied to the FBI. Got it.

And what about politicians who lied to Congress and the American people for years?

Schiff continually peddled these lies, but, of course, he has no culpability.

Here's where Ortagus challenges Schiff on his pitiful excuses:

Ortagus: "But you may have helped spread Russian disinformation yourself for years by promoting this. I think that's what Republicans and what people who trusted you as the Intel Committee Chair are so confused about your culpability in all of this."

Schiff: "Well, I completely disagree with your premise. It's one thing thing to say allegations should be investigated, and they were, it's another thing to say we should have foreseen in advance that some people were lying to Christopher Steele."

Schiff is trying to say "I only said this should be investigated."

Like he didn't get up in front of Congress, on TV, on Twitter, and constantly pound the Russian collusion drum for years.

"Investigate" means you check to see if something happened. Schiff was never interested in the investigation, only repeating false and baseless accusations.

The end of the exchange is what really hurts Schiff. He goes on to list all these supposedly great sins of Donald Trump, like the "insurrection" and basically concludes that it doesn't matter if he lied because Trump is still a bad orange man.

He also made one very bad gaffe that you may have missed (but we didn't):

Moving on...

Schiff: "None of that serious misconduct is in anyway diminished by the fact that people lied to Christopher Steele."

Ortagus: "No, I think just your credibility is."

Schiff: "Well, I think the credibility of your question is in doubt."

Seriously? He gets absolutely flamed when Ortagus rightly points out that he spread lies for years, and his response is so juvenile.

It's the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I?"

Absolutely pathetic.

Don Jr. weighed in on Shifty Schiff's answer:

Schiff wants it both ways. He wants us to still believe him even though he spread lies. He says he didn't know they were lies.

But he also admitted they hadn't been investigated, so he didn't know if it was the truth.

Ol' Pencil Neck got what was coming to him.

And on The View of all places!

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