Watch this old payphone save these folks from being flattened like pancakes ๐Ÿ˜จ
ยท Jul 31, 2024 ยท

Here is an incredible video out of Milwaukee, where a car crash endangered two pedestrians walking down the street.

Had it not been for the old, obsolete payphone pedestal between them and the car, they would not have survived the wreck.

Take a look:

Amazingly, no one was seriously hurt!

'The guy was having a hard time breathing. The girl was crying. She said her shoulder was messed up. She had scratches on her. They were sitting on the ground, crying,' witness Cha Song said.

Song is advocating for a stoplight at the intersection to try to slow traffic, stating that crashes there are all too common.

'I thought for sure they were dead, but I'm really happy that they're doing well, they're OK," he said. "It was really scary for me.'

The car's passengers and the pedestrians were all taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The driver of the car was ticketed for reckless driving, driving with a suspended license, and driving without insurance.

In other words, he shouldn't have been driving at all.

The real hero of the story, however, is the payphone pedestal.

Say what you will about payphones being obsolete, but a smartphone couldn't have done that.

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