President Biden is now underwater in his approval ratings following his handling of Afghanistan.
His response to this news when a CBS reporter mentioned the results of the network's new poll?
Check it out:
Biden doesn't like it when he doesn't get positive coverage. I think he laughs because Joe is an angry dude, and laughter covers that anger.
When you saw him challenging people to fights on the campaign trail, calling them "fat" and "lying dog-faced pony soldiers," that's who Joe is. When he snaps at reporters, that's who he is. That's who he's been since he was appointed to the Senate 50 years ago.
Here's the rest of Joe's response to this poll he apparently hadn't seen, in case you were wondering:
When faced with what many experts are calling the largest foreign policy disaster in recent American history and the public's concern with his leadership ability, the dude just laughs, makes excuses, and reads from his note cards.