This is 1 minute and 49 seconds of absolute brilliance from conservative blogger Mary Katharine Ham as she defends Rand Paul, roasts Fauci, AND absolutely embarrasses CNN during a panel discussion.
The topic of conversation had to do with Dr. Fauci's most recent clash with Dr. Rand Paul, senator from Kentucky. Ham makes the simple point, in the most clear presentation you'll ever hear on CNN, that it is totally reasonable to ask tough questions to Dr. Fauci.
The entire video is so good, you can see the other members of the panel, the "fangirls" that Ham refers to, squirming and trying to get out of the uncomfortable situation of having their entire worldview destroyed.

This segment is so good, it's hard to pull individual quotes from it to analyze. But you know me, I have definitely found a few outstanding highlights.
Right out of the gate, the host asks a slanted question, not at all examining the actual content of what was said in the hearing, but instead framing it as a "Republicans pounce" situation. The issue isn't that Fauci isn't answering the questions or responding to the attack. The issue is that Fauci would be questioned AT ALL. The CNN host asks "What is the purpose of this fixation on attacking Anthony Fauci?"
I think it's that Fauci is a very powerful public official who deserves and rarely gets tough questioning in almost any realm. He gets, frankly, a lot of fangirling... for his ideas and he doesn't get a lot of pushback.

First, Ham takes on the media, as well as politicians, who simply worship Fauci and take everything he says at face value. She points out that many from the left and right say they are afraid to push back against Dr. Fauci on any of his statements of fact.
Ham goes on, defending Rand Paul and his questions to the revered Dr. Fauci.
Senator Paul understood his assignment here. He's asking about a tough subject that, admittedly, none of us are experts on. But I would like to know a lot more about. And, despite his protestations, tough questions for Dr. Anthony Fauci are not attacks on science itself.

At this point, you can see the obvious discomfort of the CNN panelists. How dare she defend someone who questions our "god" of science and its high priest, Dr. Fauci? Dr. Fauci IS science to these media loons, and the idea that someone would accuse him of doing anything wrong makes their skin crawl.
But Mary Katharine isn't finished yet.
Further, Fauci has something to do with the numbers on his own level of trustworthiness. He as at least twice, and I will be gentle in saying, at least shaded the truth about his Covid pronouncements based on his own judgment on what the public can handle.
She goes on to detail how Anthony Fauci admitted to deceiving the public about the effectiveness of masks as well as relying on polling to decide what he would say publicly about herd immunity.
Ham points out that Fauci's public lies have caused many people to distrust him, even if the leftwing media thinks the lies were "noble" and good.
As fun as it is to see Fauci squirm and lose his composure when he's confronted with any type of tough questioning, it may be more entertaining to watch CNN panelists glitch out when they're confronted with the facts.
I hope the CNN guests and hosts are able to recover from this utter embarrassment they've been put through.