WATCH: This Florida police sniper shot a perp through a computer monitor without hitting the hostages on either side of the bad guy 🤯
· Jun 10, 2024 ·

Sometimes you just have to give it up for the boys in blue - or in this case, tactical camo and body armor.

An insane new video was released by the Lee County Sheriff showing a police sniper shoot through a computer monitor, in between two hostages, to nail a knife-wielding thug right between the eyes.


The security camera shows the hostage taker between the two bank workers, holding a knife to the woman's throat:

We then see the sniper using his partner's shoulder to stabilize his shot:

Here you can see the path of the bullet--through a computer monitor, narrowly missing the hostages and striking the bad guy in the center of the forehead:

As always, peeps on the internet always have the best reactions:

The hostage-taker was Sterling Alavache, 36, who had an "extensive criminal history" from several states that included drug trafficking, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed firearm.

Things like this make us grateful for the police officers who put their lives on the line to keep bad guys off the streets and preserve order.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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