US Central Command wants us to know that the humanitarian pier in Gaza wasn't used to rescue hostages from terrorists
ยท Jun 10, 2024 ยท

This is what happens when you try to play both sides of a war.
Remember Biden's humanitarian pier in Gaza? The one that was supposed to be used to deliver aid to Gaza and ended up falling apart in a storm.

Well, rumors were flying around that this pier had been used to transport Israeli hostages โ€” you know, the ones who had been being held by terrorists โ€” to safety. This did not make the Hamas supporters happy.

Lemme translate that quoted tweet for ya:

From the beach in Gaza to a helicopter to Israel: documentation of one of the abductees is returned to Israel.

Yup, so these people are outraged that Israel might have used that Gaza aid pier to save an Israeli hostage.

But this was not the case; this is a separate area used by the IDF, not Biden's humanitarian pier. And get this, United States Central Command was under so much scrutiny for possibly helping hostages escape a terrorist organization that they put out a statement clarifying the issue.


Hey guys, I know it's controversial to rescue hostages from terrorist organizations, so we just wanted you to know that this was an IDF operation far to the south of our humanitarian pier and we literally had nothing to do with it because we don't condone the rescuing of hostages when they're Israeli ones being held by Palestinian terrorists. Sorry for the confusion. Go Palestine! ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

I'm sorry, but are we going to make a decision anytime soon as to whose side we're on in this war? As a regular American, I'm just starting to get confused. I know it's an election year and we have to appease everyone, but this tweet from CENTCOM is embarrassing.

I could totally go for a bunch of mean tweets right now, instead of pushover ones like this.

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