Jesus commands shepherds to protect his sheep from the wolves. This Nashville pastor made sure he was obeyin' the Lord on Sunday:
Pastor Ezekiel Ndikumana and Nashville Light Mission Pentecostal Church were in the middle of praying on Sunday when Dezire Baganda approached the church's altar with a gun "while gesturing with it at worshippers during an altar call," The Blaze reports:
"[Baganda] was standing in the front of almost everybody," choir member Nzojibugami Noe recalled. "No one was behind him yet, so he could have done anything."
"It happened real fast. [Ndikumana] snuck right behind me as soon as he got up and snagged to the left pretending to go out, then quickly quickly got on [Baganda]. ... It was very amazing."
The pastor described what was going through his mind during the incident.
"He wanted to kill; that's what first came to my mind," Ndikumana said. "I would say that God used me because I felt like I was going to use the back door as an example as going on by trying to go behind them. And then I felt the feeling that I would go and grab him. ... And that's what happened."
"God wanted to show that he's a powerful God," Ndikumana added. "One main thing I said, we had faith."
Baganda has some rough history with the church. In February, he was asked to not return to the church after multiple instances of interrupting preachers during sermons.
Baganda has been charged with 15 counts of felony aggravated assault with more charges forthcoming, according to ABC News. The Metropolitan Police Department said the pastor and congregants stopped "further violence" with their "heroic actions."
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