"Nothing Is Built, Nothing Is Back, And Nothing Is Better:" Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy Absolutely Goes Off On The Biden Admin And It's So Fun To Watch
· May 11, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Is there anything more enjoyable coming out of Washington DC than the Senator from Louisiana, John Kennedy, and his folksy charm?

Even when the subject is deadly serious, like it is with Biden's failures, there's something about the way Kennedy talks that makes you think things are going to be okay.

[Mild Language Warning]

Behind that veneer of southern charm, there's a dagger that absolutely guts the left.

I don't mean to be uncharitable, but sometimes I think President Biden just doesn't eat enough fiber.

What a perfect opening jab.

Reel us in with a joke and then make the real policy connection.

He said today, as you pointed out, that he bears no responsibility whatsoever for inflation. I think most Americans are thinking, "right, and Jimmy Hoffa died of natural causes. Also, the stripper really likes you."

Kennedy is just straight savage!

The truth is that the Biden Administration just keeps kicking it's own a--.

The truth is, President Biden won the nomination because he promised not to be Bernie Sanders. Who has he tried to emulate? Bernie Sanders.

After 14 months we know that President Biden believes in bigger government, higher taxes, more spending, more debt, more regulation, a weaker military, open borders, taxpayer funded abortion on demand, and turning cops into social workers.

His energy policy, here's his energy policy: Wind, solar, and wishful thinking.

He thinks he can run the greatest economy, the most powerful economy, in all of human history without fossil fuels. And that's one of the main reasons why the prices at the pump are so high.

And the American people see this. They see that after 14 months nothing is built, nothing is back, and nothing is better.

This is the perfect Republican message for the next 3 years.

Biden lied to you, everything has gotten worse, your life has gotten harder, and the Democrats are to blame for it.

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