Bukele is taking the next step.
He cleaned up the streets from crime. He's thrown the upper-class criminals in jail. Now Nayib Bukele is purging the government of corruption.
Here's the Google translation of this post:
It is not the first, and it will not be the last.
If God allows it, our war against corruption will be as successful as our war against gangs.
This is remarkable.
Bukele gathered his entire executive branch into one room and told them that they are ALL under investigation for bribery and corruption. He's not afraid of any of them, because he's got the mandate of the people.
I want to ask him (The Attorney General) publicly to investigate everyone sitting here. Retroactively and into the future.
I imagine that there should be no problem with that.
Isn't that true? If you are in government, shouldn't you welcome being investigated to show you're clean?
Bukele means business!
Someone once asked me: 'Are you afraid of death?' I said, of course, nobody wants to die. I don't want to die. But I know that I'll die some day, like anyone else, death is the one thing we can't escape. 100 years from now, none of us here will still be alive. None of us; nobody sitting here ... but if there is one thing I fear it's leaving a bad legacy.
Man. What would it be like to have a Bukele in America? Someone who is thinking not just of the here and now, but of the country 100 years from now.
Someone who sees his rule as a mandate from God and desires to save his country.
I wont be the president who didn't steal, but was surrounded by criminals. I want to be remembered as the president who didn't steal, and didn't let anyone else steal either. And the one who put whoever stole in prison.

What an absolute boss.
He knows he's got a country to save.
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