Watch: Pier collapses under weight of dozens of students at University of Wisconsin
ยท Sep 5, 2023 ยท

I do not know how many UW-Madison students it takes to screw in a lightbulb, but this is how many it takes to collapse a pier on Lake Mendota.




I'm sorry, but who actually thought this was a good idea, let alone, in any way fun? There's like 70 kids on that pier! Definitely not my kind of Labor Day activity.

"According to the Madison Fire Department, 60-80 people were estimated to have been on the pier when it collapsed, with many swimming back to shore. One person was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries," the University of Wisconsin-Madison said in a statement. "Five others reported injuries and were treated by EMTs and paramedics and released at the scene."

Yeah man, they need to start teaching common sense on college campuses again. That might help.

Good news: The pier was set to be taken down for the season today, so I guess the students just gave the project a little head start.

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