WATCH: 7-time felon opens fire on LAPD officers with fully-automatic rifle
· Jul 27, 2024 ·

Only in one of America's largest Democrat-run, easy-on-crime cities do you find stuff like this: A seven-time felon — read it again if you need to — opened fire on LAPD officers with a fully-automatic rifle during a traffic stop.



I'll go ahead and assume fully-automatic rifles are legal in Los Angeles, because no one, not even a seven-time felon, would go breaking gun laws in California.

At about 9 p.m. that night [7/3/24], officers pulled a driver suspect[ed] of DUI over near Broadway and Rosecrans Avenue, but before officers got out of the patrol vehicle, a barrage of rounds were fired from the suspect's Chevrolet sedan, police said …

The driver left the scene. Officers attempted to chase down the car, but lost sight a few blocks later.

The suspect was arrested July 12.

Malcolm Darnell Guss Jr. was charged this week in the shooting. He faces one count of attempted murder of a peace officer; two counts of assault with a machine gun upon a peace officer; one count of shooting at an occupied motor vehicle; one count of possession of a machine gun; and two counts of possession of firearm by a felon.

Possession of a firearm by a felon? But I thought that was illegal!!! Do you mean to tell me that felons don't follow laws?

Authorities later determined the rounds were fired from a fully automatic AR-style rifle, a self-loading rifle that continuously chambers and fires rounds when the trigger is held down.

They should totally think about banning fully-automatic firearms in California.

Luckily, nobody was seriously harmed during this altercation, or we might have had to have a serious conversation about criminals following gun laws!

Here's the full tape from LAPD:

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