This is ridiculous. Apparently, the weenies at SNL got nothing left but anti-Semitic jokes.
· Feb 22, 2021 ·

In order to do good comedy, you have to know what's true – something that's impossible if your baseline version of reality is based on Wokeism and #OrangeManBad.

But what do you make fun of when Donald Trump is no longer around to be your comedic punching bag?

Why, make fun of the Jews, of course!

"Israel is reporting that they've vaccinated half of their population. I'm going to guess it's the Jewish half," said SNL star Michael Che.

See, their version of "truth" that makes the joke funny to them is that they believe Jews in Israel absolutely hate Palestinians and regularly try to kill their families with... democracy, due process, and civil rights?

Their doctors even provide life-saving medical care to those who say they want their children to grow up to murder them.

Here's the full clip. If you're a Wokie who sees the world through a grid of intersectional identity groups, is down with the New Racism™ of Critical Race Theory, and have a subjective view of everything from biology to morality, then this will have you in stitches!

SNL was rightly slammed on social media for the "joke."

Keep up the good work of killing comedy, SNL!

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