Folks, sometimes you just gotta laugh. Then when you're done laughing you gotta laugh some more.
Pardon me for just a moment:

To be sure, Charlamagne claims that the problem that many black Americans have with Democrats is that they aren't doing enough:
"It just feels like it takes Democrats so long to fix things, but Republicans **** things up quick," Charlamagne said. "They take bold steps to do whatever they want fast and furious but with Democrats, it's, like, slow. Why? I don't understand it."
That is, of course, completely false. Democrats are in the main quite efficient at getting big stuff done when they have the majority. Consider the passage of Obamacare, for instance, a law which completely reoriented the relationship between U.S. citizens and the federal government. They managed to pass that very quickly during their brief window of a Democratic Congress-Senate-White House trifecta.
Or consider how effective Democrats are at the state level: With a two-year controlling unity in Virginia, state Democrats abolished the death penalty, legalized marijuana, tightened gun laws, significantly weakened the state's voting security rules, established green energy rules for major state utilities, expanded Medicaid, raised the minimum wage, expanded privileges for illegal immigrants...and on and on.
This is emblematic of much of Democratic governance throughout the United States. Sometimes Democrats are stymied due to Republican opposition, but where they're not, they have a tendency to move forward quickly.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say a lot of black dissatisfaction with Democrats might arise from, you know, Joe Biden's inflationary binge that is disproportionately harming poorer black Americans; or maybe the party's wholesale embrace of LGBTQ insanity, something of which many black Americans tend to be skeptical at best; or maybe the party's sneering elitist politics that turns off so many voters both black and white...

In any event, good luck in November, Democrats!
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