The new religious leaders of our day have proclaimed that biological women can identify as male and that you must use their correct pronouns or else.
But did you know that biological women who still identify as women can also call you a bigot if you fail to use their preferred pronouns of "he/him"?
The math is tricky here, but basically we're dealing with the equation E=MC^(Unicorn+Fish). If you didn't learn that equation in school, try to keep up.
"Pronouns do not equal gender and that's like the whole thesis statement and the answer to your question basically."
Thesis: If you are a woman who is attracted to other women and you still outwardly identify as a woman to wider society, you can use (and expect other people to use) the English pronouns that exclusively refer to males.
"Anyone who is a non-man who is attracted to non-men, if they so choose and feel comfortable doing so, can identify as lesbian."
The reason for this is "patriarchal society" and "the male gaze."

If this is the case, language has no meaning. The idea of "Logos" is obliterated and words mean nothing outside subjective personal emotions.
You should know to use "flippergibbet/dolphin-pancake sorbet" as my own personal pronouns, and if you don't, I'm coming to cancel your job and your future.
In fact, if I nonsensically start screaming incoherent sounds into the sky, you should be expected to understand everything I say lest you be branded a backwards idiot.
You don't want to impede PROGRESS, do you??