Watch this Miss New Jersey contestant absolutely demolish our victim-praising cancel culture while she stands unequivocally for free speech:
"Our generation is experiencing an epidemic of censorship and entitlement, and it's because our professors and our celebrities are teaching students to be narcissists, to believe that any view that differs from their own is an existential threat," said Murray, who has worked as a White House intern and as a PragerU influencer. "This is what I experienced on my own campus with censorship to the point where people believe that speech is violence so that they can threaten other people with violence simply because they disagree with them."
"Free speech. It is listed first under the Bill of Rights for a reason. Without it, all other liberties crumble but today we're watching free speech get hammered to the ground by the very institutions that are supposed to promote diversity of thought."
What a truth bomb!