Watch this gender therapist explain how babies give pre-verbal gender messages to tell you they are actually trans 🤡
· Nov 16, 2021 ·

Watch this gender therapist give her wild explanation about pre-verbal gender communication in babies:

It's almost like she's never met a baby.

Like, have you ever met a little girl who does not pull their hair bows out? Please just ask any mom who puts hair accessories in their child's hair, and they will tell you this is 100% normal.

And does unsnapping a onesie even make it a dress? I've literally never noticed that, and I've unsnapped a lot of baby onesies in my time.

Could it possibly be that babies are just practicing their newly discovered fine motor skills when they pull clips out of their hair or pull apart buttons? It's only the most basic, innate thing that a baby could do.

But radical gender activists like this lady have to turn every natural, normal thing into a red flag.

And gullible parents will believe that they have to regard those "red flags" and probably take their child to see a gender therapist, who will obviously affirm the red flags that they invented in the first place.

Do not fall for the therapeutic word vomit that these wokies spew out. It's evil and repugnant.

Now excuse me while I go put the hair bow back in my daughter's hair for the 5th time today!

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