I love it when the wokies think they can still control people with lines of attack straight outta 2010:
I've spent my whole life watching Republicans basically apologize for believing Republican things.
They don't even question the premises that are presented to them, they just try to appeal to decency or the Constitution or whatever.
This lady asked Vivek his "opinions on the LGBT community."
He responded with, "I don't think it's one community."
50 years of Democrats building their "big tent" destroyed in half a second!
The body language says it all:
He stood firm, she recoiled in surprise!
That, my friends, is how you put an opponent on their back foot.
But he continued:
You just mash together an alphabet soup.
No recovery possible.
He then asked her the same question, forcing her to scramble for a line of attack to paint him as homophobic.
That gave him the opportunity to talk about the "tyranny of the minority," and totally dominate the conversation with a soliloquy about 'Merica and freedom.
Whether it's Vivek or Ronny D or elsewise, I'm really liking this new breed of Republican who knows how to articulate the things they supposedly believe in!!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐