I guess feminist man-hatred is stronger than this lady's desire to protect herself from a disease that no one cares about anymore.
Yes, this is apparently a totally real person who hasn't left the house in 3 years, is terrified of Covid, and she's sharing with all her Portland friends how she's going to be quarantining an entire theater so they can watch it together and not fear the dreaded 'Rona.

I am renting out a theater in Northwest Portland. An entire theater. The whole theater. The theater seats 46 people, we're only going to do 20 tickets. So me and 19 other people. That's it. In addition to that there will be one employee. So the entire building, the entire cinema is going to be one employee plus 20 attendees. That's it. We are the only people in the building and every single person, including that employee, is going to be wearing an N-95 the entire time ...

Guys, I've watched this multiple times. I think it's real. But I also still can't believe it's real.
She's not going to let anyone take off the mask while watching the movie or while they are in the building. No food. No drink. No nothing.
It's actually insane.
I think the idea that she can get 19 other people to this thing was a WILD overestimation. But it's Portland, so maybe not.
Obviously, she has every single other ticket still available because there's a zero percent chance this lady has ANY friends to ask to the movie.

It is a risk. I don't know how else to put that. It is a risk to be in a building for two hours. Makes me anxious... But I feel like it's a measured risk and one I'm willing to take.
She literally thinks she might die because she is sitting in a room with 20 other people wearing medical masks for 2 hours. That's what she literally thinks. But... ya know, in the end it is the Barbie movie after all.
It's good to see what people are willing to suspend their worries over.
It's just so hard to believe it's been three years and she's still doing this.
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