This Virginia man WENT OFF on a Republican poll worker in an unhinged and profanity-laced tirade, all because he was greeting people at the polls.
[WARNING: Strong language and the peak NPC clown world]
You f---ing people tried to overthrow the election! You might have been- might as well have been walking up to my head on the way to the polling station, putting a gun to my head, trying to tell me not to vote. And you expect me- expect me to not take that f---ing personally?
You f---ing try to overthrow election with violence! And then you're out here among decent people?
The dude is a stuttering, stammering mess!
You can tell he saw this guy when he went in, FUMED about it the entire time he was voting, and then came out steaming mad.
He probably thought of the "overthrowing the election" line for the last few minutes and then flubbed it once he got out there.

"You're out here with decent people? How dare you show your face as a Republican! Go to the gulags!"
This loser went on. You can practically see him switch out the chips in his NPC brain based on what the media has told him to think.
This is totally nuts:
And what's on your f---ing, uh, your, uh, what are your policy prescriptions? F---ing rapist rights? Involving yourselves in people's f---ing families, in their f---ing bedrooms? You f---ing animal!
You try to steal my vote next year, I'm gonna f---ing remember you personally.
The guy then takes a picture of the scary Republican so that he can always remember this guy who tried to "steal his vote" and "put a gun to his head" by holding a pro-life, pro-Republican sign at a, presumably, legal distance from a polling place.
Then he tries to tell another voter who wanted a Republican sample ballot that he should stay away!
You know, try not to be buddy-buddy with these people because they put on a face of a good neighbor, but they support lynch mobs, and f---ing KKK, or they're f---ing Bible-beating-bigots and freaks! And they're not good neighbors!

What a hateful, sad man.
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