We had some good, old-fashioned hockey fights over the weekend and I got the best ones right here for ya
ยท Feb 26, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

Hockey fights are hard to come by these days, so when you get this many in a weekend it's grounds for a celebration.

I don't know what got into the boys this weekend, but it was something special. Let's start out in Philadelphia, where the Rangers' Matt Rempe and Flyers' Nicolas Deslauriers dropped the gloves.



You love to see it!

Let's head up to Edmonton, where the Oilers' Mattias Janmark and the Flames' Blake Coleman reignited that Alberta rivalry.



Here's Matt Rempe again throwing hands with Columbus' Mathieu Olivier.



The fight bug even made its way to the ice at the college level, where fights are even harder to come by.



Some of the best hockey fights I've seen in quite a while.

Keep 'em coming!

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