Remember the pastor who kicked the COVID "Gestapo" out of his church? He explained he's angry because he grew up in commie Poland and sees "a repetition of history." ๐Ÿ‘€
ยท Apr 6, 2021 ยท

If you missed this story over the weekend, Pastor Artur Pawlowski from Calgary had some rather strong words for the police who came to his church on Saturday, telling them to get out as he called them "Nazis" and "Gestapo."

On Tuesday, he did a followup with the Daily Caller where he shared the reasons for his outburst.

Here's what Pastor Pawlowski had to say:

"If they want to talk or inspect the building, they can call me and we can arrange that... they preferred a method of storming."

He said he was shocked to see armed, uniformed police officers enter during worship as if it was "their own home."

"This is unacceptable. Even during the times of the Middle Ages, the knights were commanded to leave their swords outside the church, they were not allowed to enter the church. But these days, nothing is holy for those people. They just walk in like it's a restaurant."

The pastor said the police have come to the parking lot before, evening blocking it once so congregants couldn't park, but had never entered the building before.

You may wonder at Pawlowski's particular zeal in this case. After all, other pastors in the area have readily allowed the police and health inspectors to come in while worship is happening.

To answer that, it's important to understand that Pawlowski grew up in communist Poland:

"I grew up in Poland under the boot of the Soviets, behind the Iron Curtain. What I see right now, I see everything escalating and moving to the new level. They're acting just like the Communists were acting when I was growing up when the pastors and the priests were arrested, and some were murdered. Many were tortured."

"That's why I say what I say, because I see a repetition of history."

When someone who grew up behind the Iron Curtain tells you history is repeating, PAY ATTENTION.

While I'm sure none of the officers involved in the situation were actually "Nazi psychopaths," as history has shown, even the nicest authorities need to be reminded where their authority ends.

As C.S. Lewis said, the worst tyranny is one "sincerely exercised for the good of its victims."

"I simply say, enough," said Pawlowski. "And I want โ€“ I hope โ€“ that this video that so many people are talking about will give courage to other clergymen and other business owners to kick those Nazis out."

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