We need to stop asking "How low can Biden's approval rating go?" because it's obvious now that it can always go lower
· Jul 31, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Boy, you almost feel sorry for Joe Biden at this point! Okay, not really, but you know we gotta say that just to be nice.

President Biden's approval rating sank to a new low since Gallup conducted its first survey of the president's approval rating in January 2021, according to a new poll it released on Friday.

The Gallup poll found that 38 percent of voters approve of Biden's job as president, down from 41 percent last month. In comparison, the president started out his term at 57 percent approval in January 2021.

Live footage of Biden's approval rating over the last 18 months:

It's worth pointing out that the man has even suffered brutal losses among his own people:

Broken down by party, 78 percent of Democrats, 31 percent of independents and 5 percent of Republicans surveyed gave the president a thumbs up. The polling shows a 7 percent decline in approval among Democrats since they were last polled in June and a 5 percent decrease among independents.

Eventually it's gonna get to the point that even Democrats are gonna be giving Joe the ol' Air Bud treatment:

And we'll be here to give witness to that day, yes we certainly will!

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