I'm guessing y'all have seen the photos from that new "Snow White" remake Disney is doing, but to refresh your memory, here's a photo of the seven dwarfs:
Notice anything strange about six of those seven dwarfs right there?
Yeah, me too.
And so does Jason Acuña, or Wee Man, a famous actor with dwarfism who is calling out Disney for casting average-sized people to play these dwarfs.

I mean, the movie is called "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" so I kinda see his point. It's not just "Snow White" either. Apparently, for some reason, Warner Brothers is making a Wonka origin story, and they're using average-sized actors to play the Oompa Loompas (for real, not joking):
"Wee Man," whose real name is Jason Acuña, slammed both Disney's live-action "Snow White" remake and Warner Brothers' upcoming "Wonka" film for casting average-sized actors as dwarf characters in each of the films.
Acuña pointed out how the casting decisions obstruct actors with dwarfism from getting major Hollywood roles. He also demanded that Disney recast the "Snow White" remake with dwarf actors.
True. By taking the dwarfs out of the movie for progress (or whatever they call it now) Disney and Warner Brothers are actually taking jobs away from real-life dwarfs. So much for bringing people up in this world…
And I love this from Wee Man:
In a clip from Hollywood outlet Movie Maniac's interview with the "Jackass" star, Acuña expressed disbelief that British actor Hugh Grant, an average-sized person, is playing an Oompa Loompa in the upcoming movie about Willy Wonka's origin story.
As in Roald Dahl's famous book, "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory," and multiple screen adaptations of the work, the Oompa Loompas are presented as dwarf-sized and portrayed by actors with dwarfism.
Though Grant's upcoming portrayal of involves him being digitally re-sized to play the dwarf-like assistants to actor Timothée Chalamet's "Wonka."
In the Tik Tok clip, Acuña claimed, "Hugh Grant is now playing an Oompa Loompa? So I guess Hugh Grant, you're now identifying as a little person?" Sarcastically, the actor added, "Huh, interesting."

As for "Snow White":
Wee Man said, "You're replacing jobs that people could have [us] as little people. It's for dwarfs. Why are you hiring ‘Snow White and the seven average people?"
In the same clip the actor then encouraged Disney to "re-do" casting the dwarfs with members of the dwarfism community, saying, "Make it better, Disney."
Yeah, make it better, Disney! What the heck?!?
You gotta be inclusive!
This has been by far my favorite story of the week.
Here's that full interview for you: