Welp, George Santos is bringing his drag persona "out of the closet" for the first time in 18 years
ยท May 1, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

You guys, that George Santos drag story was 100% real and I think this should prove it for ya.

Yeah dude, Santos is bringing "Kitara Ravache" out of the closet, proving once and for all that it wasn't just a joke โ€” the expelled House rep actually was (and still is) a drag queen. A Republican drag queen.

George Santos put on lipstick, a wig and a red feather boa as he brought out his drag persona for the first time in nearly a decade.

The disgraced former New York congressman released his first five videos to a Cameo account for his character 'Kitara Ravache' after users paid between $275 and $350 for the personalized messages.

Santos announced on Monday he was bringing Kitara 'out of the closet' after 18 years for a 'limited time.'

$350 bucks for a "personalized message"?!?!?

Man, inflation is out of control!

It pains me to show you this, but it's my job, so let's do this.

First I'll let George explain:

Uhh, at least it's for a good cause ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Okay, you ready for Kitara?

I'll just leave you that one, promise!

This video really makes me wonder though ...

Could George Santos sneak back into Congress under a Kitara Ravache 2024 ticket?

Time to start collecting those signatures!!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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