What is a "borg," you ask? The answer is extremely dumb and extremely dangerous.
· Mar 11, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Young people will often take part in some bizarre and ridiculous rituals, as we all know, but I have to say the "borg challenge" is among the most idiotic — and most reckless — that I've seen in years:

Dozens of students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst were hospitalized over the weekend after participating in the dangerous "borg" drinking challenge that has gained popularity on TikTok, officials said.

In total, 46 students were hospitalized, but all were eventually medically cleared and discharged back to campus or home with injuries deemed not life-threatening, Amherst town manager Paul Bockelman told CBS News.

"All were eventually medically cleared." They got lucky.

You may remember the "Borg" antagonists from Star Trek: the Next Generation. But a "borg" in this context is something entirely different: "Blackout rage gallons."

Borgs, or "blackout rage gallons," are one-gallon containers of water that are emptied a bit, and then filled with alcohol and some kind of flavoring, such as water-enhancing drops or powdered drink mixes.

"No hangover" my eye! More like "week-long hangover from hell."

Depending on the mixture used, borgs can contain 17 to 40 shots of alcohol. Yeah, and 120-pound freshmen are trying to down these things.

Needless to say, consuming this much alcohol inside of one day, even if you're Andre the Giant, could be acutely disastrous to your health and well being.

"Consuming this much alcohol would be fatal for the vast majority of people, even if spread out over a full day," Dr. George F. Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health, told CBS News.

Maybe that's why 30 AMBULANCES were dispatched to UMass parties in one day:

There's only one thing to say about this idiotic trend:

Call me an old crusty geezer, whatever, I don't care. I'm just trying to save your life. Ya dumb kid.

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