What the heck, France?
· Jul 26, 2023 · NottheBee.com

It's only been a couple of weeks since the French race-riots ended: the ones where a French Muslim said it was time to colonize France.

But France is trying to return to some normalcy. President Macron is calling for alternatives to social media for young people, so they aren't being whipped into a murderous frenzy by radicals living in their méres basements.

Maybe something like the Festival d'Avignon: an annual contemporary arts festival where the city of Avignon becomes a city-theater. Tens of thousands of people of all ages go and enjoy performances in the outdoor spaces.

That seems like a good distraction from the anti-European sentiment flooding France.

Here are some images from one of the performances visitors can take in at the festival called Carte Noire Mommée Désir (Black Card Named Desire).

What the heck?

Maybe they should have called the show "Baby Hunters"?

To figure out what was supposed to be going on, I dug deeper. The description of the performance says,

Together, in a merry chaos, they build a truthtelling show which brilliantly shatters colonial representations and their endless clichés.

In addition to baby hunting, the description says that the performance also includes

boisterous dances, aerial stunts, and frenetic twerk sessions,

Isn't twerking frenetic by nature?

Anyway, the image gallery from the show includes gratuitous amounts of nudity and urinating on each other. I would recommend skipping the image gallery.

But then you'll miss this chilling image.

I don't think France has been this unaware of the danger it's in since Marie Antoinette suggested the rioters outside go have some cake.

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