Talk about a campaign crashing and burning before it ever leaves the ground.
The Mayor of Miami is apparently running for president as a Republican and Hugh Hewitt had him on his national radio show to discuss politics. Hewitt asked Francis Suarez if the enslavement of the Uyghur Muslims in China was going to be a campaign issue and Suarex had no clue what he was talking about.
Hewitt: Will you be talking about the Uyghurs in your campaign?
Suarez: The what?
Hewitt: The Uyghurs.
Suarez: What's a Uyghur?
Hewitt: Okay, we'll come back to that. You've gotta get smart on that.
Okay, this is bad, but it gets worse:
Suarez: I'll look at--what'd you call it, a 'weeble'?
Yes, Francis, we wanna know about the Weebles!
Why do they wobble but they won't fall down?

I know, he's the mayor of Miami. He doesn't do a lot with foreign policy. But COME ON!
This very well may be worse than Gary Johnson's "What is Aleppo" gaffe: