Everybody's always talking about "save the bees," "the bees are so important," "we need bees, without them we'll suffer ecological collapse."
The bees, meanwhile, are actively plotting our destruction.
And they're coming for the golfers first:
The bees, you think they don't enjoy humiliating us like this? They love it.

The war stories that came out of this harrowing skirmish are chilling to read:
I was over the ball with a 4-iron, look back and I just saw them here and I just told my caddie, I'm like, 'Bees, bees, bees,' and he looks at me like I'm crazy. So I dropped down, then he sees them, he dropped down. Frankie and Chez, they look at me like I'm nuts and then they realized, like 30 seconds later the bees just went right at them. It's funny, but certainly don't want to get stung by those bad boys.