Where are the panicked warnings over Christian support of Biden?

Though the mainstream press was always on the lookout for more, there was no shortage of prominent evangelical Christians who were always willing to condemn the Trumpian rise of so-called Christian nationalism.

In the waning days of the Trump term, for instance, several high-profile Christians took turns disparaging the hastily organized "Jericho March" that descended upon D.C., hoping for a miracle that would overturn the November election results.

Christian author David French called it "grievous and dangerous." Beth Moore suggested it was "astonishingly seductive and dangerous to the saints of God." Writing at the Gospel Coalition, Michael Horton dubbed it all "disgraceful… blasphemy."

"We might have ignored this as a spectacle, a performance by a handful of voices in opposition to the Constitutional system of our republic," Horton wrote. "But I feel conscience-bound as a minister of the Word to warn against what can only be considered a heresy—indeed, a cult within a certain segment of evangelicalism. It has arisen over many decades and will no doubt be around for many more to come."

Long before that march, which despite its shofar blasts and seven laps around the Supreme Court building failed to affect any substantial change, major evangelical Christian voices were willing to condemn the immoral excesses they said accompanied the 45th president's administration. The aforementioned Gospel Coalition website developed an archive for all their concerned, anti-Trump fare.

Meanwhile, Christianity Today, the magazine started by the late Billy Graham, found the former president so objectionable to Christian ethics that they called for his resignation. "His Twitter feed alone," they wrote, "with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders, is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused."

Personally, I believed then as I believe now – that though I could and would celebrate the many positive policy successes of the former president's administration, I had no interest in denying legitimate moral concerns raised by many of these outspoken believers. A Christian whose faith never conflicts with or uncomfortably challenges his preferred politics is likely guilty of allowing the latter to influence the former rather than vice versa.

That said, I admit to being left dumbfounded by the profound – and dare I say galling – lack of outspoken denunciation of the immoral actions of the current administration from these same voices.

I understand why President Trump's power picture holding the Bible up amidst rioting rubbed you the wrong way and compelled you to renounce it. But shouldn't President Biden's incessant claim that his Christian faith informs his pagan policies do the same?

I get that you found the shofars over the top and took umbrage at the Jericho March's absurd and dangerous claim that "Vice President Pence has the ability to elect the President himself." But shouldn't gay pride flags flying at U.S. embassies around the world provoke at least equitable ire in your soul?

I grasp why Trump's Twitter feuds that involved belittling pejoratives and un-Christlike insults struck you as something Christians everywhere should condemn. But surely the current president's verbal support of genital mutilation and chemical castration of children strike you similarly?

I respect your sincere concern over how the name of Christ being tied to a political ruler like Trump will damage the witness of the church. But how can you not worry about the witness of a church that would find more agreeable the compulsory taxpayer-funding of child killing that Joe Biden has recently demanded?

Where are Mr. Horton's "conscience-bound" warnings "as a minister of the Word" against the rising cult of so-called progressive Christianity that disgracefully blasphemes the name of God in its allegiance to pagan political power?

Where are the hand-wringing tweets from Beth Moore about the danger of believers who, repulsed by Trump's conduct, mistakenly find more palatable the restless evil that lurks in Biden's progressive social agenda?

Where are the public laments at the Gospel Coalition about the dreadful consequences associated with "evangelical Christians for Biden" and the Faustian bargain they made to be rid of Trump?

It's certainly appropriate and morally sound for Christians to remind the brethren that being politically homeless is a logical consequence of serving a Kingdom not of this world. But those who condemn the immorality of Trump's party while remaining silent about the immorality of the other aren't doing that.

My question is why?

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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