All it takes is a few good men to stand up to evil, and when it comes to the racist screeds put forth by critical race thinkers like Robin DiAngelo, we need a few good men.
Watch as Professor Aaron Kindsvatter from the University of Vermont calls it like it is:
Here's the transcript:
"So I have a few requests for the University of Vermont. One: would you please stop reducing my personhood to a racial category in your teachings? It does not feel good. Also, it initiates a chain of logic in which other persons will be defined by their racial categories. It will divide us further in a time when we need to unite as one people."
Fact-check: True.
"Please stop telling me my views are harmful just because they're more moderate than yours are. We all share the same values. We all want the same thing for our university and our society. It doesn't mean that we all have to think the same way."
I agree. I also think this man (like most classically liberal moderates) doesn't understand the Left. The Left does not share the same values, does not want the same things, and demands conformity.
"Would you please disallow police proposals that give me a false choice between accepting a particular ideology and being understood as a racist? I have read Kendi and DiAngelo, and I do not find wisdom there. I find its opposite. Pretending that I do find wisdom in these authors would cause me a kind of spiritual sickness."

"Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 indicates that discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race, color, national origin is prohibited, and I think the University of Vermont could really do a better job. And I think that those who share my concerns, that we should get together and talk about it. This ideology is very good at getting individuals to think that they are bad, that they are demented, and that they are alone. If you share the concerns that I do, you are not bad, you are not demented, and you are not alone."
Kindsvatter posted his full 9-minute statement to YouTube, titled "Racism and the Secular Religion at the University of Vermont." He details how this cult-like Marxist thinking works and how it's spreading like wildfire in education.
He also outlines how he never thought critical race theory would ever gain the momentum it now has because of its absurdity and abhorrence. Here was one gem from the full statement if you don't have time to watch:
"The thinking that informs [so called 'whiteness'] is so crude and so lacking in falsifiability and it speaks so eloquently to our tribal impulses that the same logic that informs what's currently being called whiteness now can easily find its way to desperate persons who need a group to hate and who will adopt the suppositions that inform whiteness towards their own ends."

Many of you reading this have probably been forced to take some kind of aNti-rAciSt training in the past year. Just remember, all it takes is one person to stand up for what's right.