Socialist magazine fires workers who wanted their boss to share authority with them
· Aug 19, 2021 ·

Who could have seen this coming???

"Former staff members of the socialist magazine Current Affairs say they were summarily fired after tensions with their founder, socialist commentator Nathan J. Robinson, over whether he should share authority with his employees.

In an open letter, five former staff members wrote Wednesday:

"Dear comrades [ LOLOLOLOL], We, the former full and part-time staff, write to you with deep sadness and disappointment about recent events that have occurred at Current Affairs. On August 8th, editor-in-chief Nathan J. Robinson (author of Why You Should Be A Socialist) unilaterally fired most of the workforce to avoid an organizational restructuring that would limit his personal power. Yes, we were fired by the editor-in-chief of a socialist magazine for trying to start a worker co-op."

You gotta love it! It's almost like socialism is a vindictive philosophy meant to elevate weenies to power by destroying freedom and hoarding power.

If only we had ANY examples from the last century showing how socialism doesn't work!

"Everyone's stated goal, including Nathan's, was to create a democratic workplace where all voices were equally valued. But when we finally got around to discussing organizational models during a Zoom meeting on August 7th, Nathan became agitated," the letter continued. Robinson soon demanded removed employees' computer credentials and made clear they no longer had jobs, the letter said.

Hey, it could have been worse. At least they weren't living under Jospeh Stalin under the Great Purge!

Still, not even their impressive intersectional wokeness saved them from being canned by the comrade-in-chief:

We, a small staff composed entirely of women and non-binary people, have faithfully worked to make Current Affairs the beautiful, engaging leftist magazine and podcast that it is.

All women and non-binary people are equal, but some women and non-binary people are more equal than others, as I think Orwell once wrote!

Comrade Robinson explained the firings by admitting that his polices [read: socialism] had made his workplace extremely "messy" and "inefficient."

Everyone works when they like. I've hardly ever exerted authority over it internally at all. Partly as a result, the organization developed a kind of messy structurelessness where it wasn't clear who had power to do what and there was not much accountability for getting work done. The organization had become very inefficient.

What's even funnier is that he's posting new job ads with the assumption that if he gets new workers, socialism will work out the next time around.

Good luck!

P.S. - Now enjoy our latest video: This Isn't a Presidency ... It's a Clown-Show 👇

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