Imagine the day that a goat farmer in Ethiopia can sell a goat to his neighbor with just a simple scan of his hand or face to confirm his identity and transfer funds via digital currency.
No marks or microchips involved.
Seem impossible?
Consider that Whole Foods is rolling out Palm Pay to all their stores:
The logistics and the amount of money involved in entering everyone on Earth's biometric data into a database for something like Palm Pay are staggering, and doing it because all the people who aren't in the system can't currently participate in digital commerce seems compassionate, but also has a real end times/dystopian sound to it.
So, it's no surprise that Bill Gates is here to tell you how he's "so excited" to have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at the forefront of funding just such a project.
Currently, the Modular Open Source Identity Project (MOSIP) has made agreements with 11 countries to provide digital IDs to all their citizens for free.
So far, the program has tagged 90 million people in rural areas since 2018.
Why do it for free?
Here's what the Gates foundation‘s website says,
A digital ID system is critical because people need a verified identity in order to tap into [Digital Public Infrastructure's] DPI's other benefits, from digital bank accounts and instant payments to mobile phone accounts and personal data management.
It's a fair to point out that people in rural areas do have trouble accessing social goods and services without IDs. How does the Indian child born without any public record prove they are an Indian citizen to access government subsidized food and healthcare benefits?
But the push to control a digital database of the identities of everyone on Earth that's tied to all the digitized commerce on Earth, that's supervillain-level stuff right there.

What about internet access?
Not every place on the planet has internet access to conduct digital commerce. How can our goat herding capitalist connect his scanner to the database without internet?
Here's the current StarLink satellite coverage of Earth. Once all of StarLink's satellites are in place, the entire planet should have internet access. Cost will be an issue, but the infrastructure will be there.
It's really just a matter of time before Gates's vision is a reality.
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