World leaders are literally still begging the Taliban to form an "inclusive" government and meanwhile the Taliban just banned girls from attending high school
· Sep 17, 2021 ·

World leaders, including the U.S., have been repeatedly begging the Taliban over the past month to form an "inclusive" government, and—seriously—they're still at it:

The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution Friday saying that Afghanistan's new Taliban rulers need to establish an inclusive government that has "the full, equal and meaningful participation of women" and upholds human rights...

The statement reflects widespread disappointment over the recently announced interim Taliban government that left out women and minorities, heralding what could be a return to harsh Taliban practices during their 1996-2001 rule.

Oh really, you think?! Meanwhile, the Taliban is busy being so inclusively inclusive that it has included its female population in a ban on high school education:

The Taliban have effectively banned girls from secondary education in Afghanistan, by ordering high schools to re-open only for boys.

Girls were not mentioned in Friday's announcement, which means boys will be back at their desks next week after a one-month hiatus, while their sisters will still be stuck at home.

Dang, you mean all that pleading over including girls and women as full members of society had no effect on the hearts and minds of a bunch of hardline theocratic misogynists?

Here's a live look at the U.N. Security Council rehearsing its next "inclusive" entreaty to the Taliban:

Keep trying, fellas! Meanwhile they're over there planning ways to spread Sharia around the globe!

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