I've heard of first-date horror stories, but this one absolutely takes the cake.
Erick Aguirre, a Corpus Christi man, met a woman for a date in downtown Houston but randomly left the table, allegedly killed a man, then came back like nothing happened.
Here's the local news report:
Aguirre and his date each parked their car in a lot when a man came up and asked them for $20 each to park there. Aguirre paid the man $40, paying for the lady's car like a gentleman, and then they both went into the restaurant.
While they were eating, they found out from the restaurant staff that the man who took their money wasn't a parking attendant and that they had been scammed.
According to police, Aguirre got up, left his date at the table, and went and got his gun out of his car and tracked down and shot the man who stole his money.

After he came back to the table, he assured his date everything was okay, but then he decided he wanted to leave the restaurant and eat somewhere else.
She had no idea what happened until she saw her own photo on a Crime Stoppers show the next day. She then called the police and gave the information they needed to nab Aguirre.
Aguirre has been charged with murder and his bond is set at $200,000.