Would you like fries with that medical procedure? Bill de Blasio announces that New Yorkers can get free french fries if they get the Covid vaccine.
· May 14, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Fast food and pharmaceuticals. They go together like baseball and hot dogs, like Antifa and liberal arts degrees, or like New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and incompetent municipal governance.

So it makes perfect sense to try and entice New Yorkers to take a drug with three dollars' worth of deep-fried potatoes.

I have to admit, watching him stuff food in his face should have been enough to convince anyone to take the vaccine, but he went the extra yard by talking with his mouth full.

Heck, you throw in a soft drink, I'll take the Astra-Zeneca.

They had to try something. Having an angry old man yell at you hasn't been as persuasive as they had hoped.

I suppose they could have been more transparent about the risks and safety of the vaccine vs. contracting Covid and maybe not have engaged in constant mixed messaging as to the vaccine's efficacy.

No, it makes much more sense to send everyone to a fast food chain to chow down on some burgers and fries!

This does all beg the question as to what New Yorkers should expect to receive for other medical procedures. I'm thinking a colonoscopy should be good for a seven-course meal at Jean-Georges.


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